Lori Deschene is the founder of the online community Tiny Buddha (, which enables participants to share their experiences and insights to help themselves and others. She is the author of Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges and Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself, as well as cofounder of the Recreate Your Life Story eCourse.
A beautifully designed, inviting interactive journal to help you destress, reduce anxiety, and find peace from the founder of the popular online community Tiny Buddha, and author of Tiny Buddha's 365 Tiny Love Challenges and Tiny Buddha's Gratitude Journal.
Filled with prompts, quotes, questions for reflection, and coloring and doodle pages, Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal can help you feel calmer and cultivate a more mindful, peaceful spirit every day.
In addition to prompts, the journal features three recurring sections:
"Let It Go"—identify what is currently creating anxiety in your life and suggestions for working through it;
"Plan Ahead"—help to navigate particular situations and devise a plan to approach them in productive ways;
"Color and Draw Yourself Calm"—fifteen coloring pages and fifteen doodle pages carefully designed to inspire you to use your own creativity to soothe worries and focus on the moment.
Don't let anxiety control you. Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal lets you carve a little time for yourself every day, and gives you tools to help you improve your mood, focus on the present moment, and kindle your unique creativity.
Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal
Titel: Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal
Untertitel: A Creative Way to Let Go of Anxiety and Find Peace
AutorIn: Lori Deschene
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Fester Einband
Herausgeber: Harper Collins (US)
Genre: Sorgen, Tagebuch, Angst
Anzahl Seiten: 272
ISBN: 978-0-06-284987-8
Jahr: 2018